Tour description:
real_price_text24 RSD
promo_price_text 22 EUR
Promo price conditions
Dates of departure:
Location of departure |
Address of location |
Time of departure |
Supplement or discount for departure from the place |
Skejt park preko puta tržnog centra Ušće pored Brankovog mosta
Novi Sad
Nova autobuska stanica na Sentandrejskom putu, iza NIS benzinske pumpe, doplata za polaske iz Novog Sada
Included in price
* Prevoz autobusom visoke turističke klase na navedenoj relaciji
Obilaske prema program
Usluge pratioca grupe tokom putovanja
Troškove organizatora putovanja
Not included in price
* Fakultativne izlete
Zdravstveno osiguranje
Other notes
This program is implemented for a minimum of 25 and a maximum of 30 people. In case of insufficient number of registered passengers, the travel organizer reserves the right to correct prices, change the program or cancel the trip no later than 5 days before the start of the trip. This program can be realized on request, outside the set deadlines.
Terms of payment
It is necessary to pay 40% of the total amount no later than 2 days after receiving the payment instructions, and the remaining amount 5 days before the start of the tour. The minimum for the realization of the program at the promotional price is 25 people. In case of changes in the monetary market or insufficient number of registered passengers, the travel organizer reserves the right to correct prices, change the program or cancel the trip no later than 5 days before the start of the trip. Pensioners are asked to enclose their last pension check as proof when booking.
Vladimir Zoraja –
Sve je proteklo super, vreme nas je posluzilo. Granicu smo prosli bez vecis zadrzavanja i u jednom i u drugom pravcu.Vodic je bio zanimljiv. Svakom bih preporucio odlazak i posetu Temisvaru.
Agencija je za svaku pohvalu, ispunila je sva ocekivanja. Izlet za pamcenje.
Mihajlo Šelmić –
Izlet je bio divan, vodič Ana prijatna i odlično obaveštena, vozač Moma vešt i oprezan. Prvi put sam putovala minibusom i iznenadila sam se koliko je udobno. Bila sam sa odraslim sinovima i dopalo se i njima i meni. Hvala na profesionalnosti i ljubaznosti. Zvezdana Šelmić